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Multiple firearm programs available.

Here at the academy, we offer multiple courses, whether you focus on only a single firearm or a assortment together. We can cater to all your entry level and advanced needs.

Non-Restricted and Restricted Firearms                                      P.A.L


The Canadian Non-Restricted Safety Course (CFSC) and the Canadian Restricted Safety Course (CRFSC) are designed to apply the broadest possible spectrum of novice firearm users. Existing firearms safety courses across Canada have a proven track record in the reduction of firearm-related incidents. However, most of these courses have been designed and delivered for firearm use in a specific activity. The CFSC and the CRFSC is introductory firearm safety course intended for ALL new firearm users.


The Canadian Non-Restricted and the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course consist of two parts. One is classroom instruction. The other is learning the material from the instructional manual. There will be a written test along with a practical examination. Also available is the challenge exam which the student will cover the material on their own, and make an appointment to do the exams. Must be 18 years of age to acquire.

As of Aug. 31, 2015, the Academy follows the new course standards and instructor requirements by using disabled firearms for classroom presentation as well as transport, storage, and display regulations.


Non-Restricted Course Start Dates:  October 26, 2024. 

Cost: $130.00 plus GST.

Restricted Course Start Dates:  October 27, 2024.

Cost: $130.00 plus GST.

Courses are available for communities and groups at request.

Non-restricted course is 8 hours. Restricted course following Non-Restricted course within 7 days is 4 hours. After 7 days: 6 hours minimum. 

Email the Academy for details and availability for more course dates and reserve your spot ASAP

Check-in advance to register for course dates and verify times.

                  2022 Covid-19 Updates
Non-Restricted and Restricted Firearms                                  P.A.L

New Updates 2022-Good day everyone.  Course dates are listed above regularly. Business and private groups contact the school for information on hosting classes for the CFSC and the CRFSC.

Covid-19 Updates
Non-Restricted and Restricted Firearms P.A.L

News Update June 11 2020-Good day everyone.  I know everyone is anxious to get back to the CFSC classroom, we continue to hear from the CFO regularly, and  I can share with you that the CFO has close contact with Saskatchewan Advance Education.  They have been advised that the CFSC is covered by vocational education and private education and as such and are being governed accordingly.  Once we know a date for return to instruction everyone will be advised.  Thanks for your patience.

As of mid March 2020, the Provincial CFO had ceased all PAL courses until further notice. As Saskatchewan opens into phase 3 on June 8 2020, the PAL course providers will be contacted to resume classes when group restrictions are lifted. Anyone wanting to participate in these courses should sign up asap so the school can organize class dates upon registration. Any further questions, contact the school.

 New updates for Non-Restricted and Restricted P.A.L July 9, 2020.

We are pleased to inform you that as of July 09/2020 The Academy can resume providing the CSFC and CRFSC to students throughout the Province of Saskatchewan, ensuring you abide by the Government of Saskatchewan Covid 19 Workplace requirements.

In addition to the Government of Saskatchewan Guidelines:


       1. Maximum 6 students per class. This requirement will be monitored for a one-month period.


       2.  Masks are mandatory for students and instructors when social distancing cannot be maintained. 

          - An example of this is the handling of a firearm during practical exams or in-class settings when the instructor is working closely with the student.


       3. Sanitize hands and disinfect firearms before and after each handling of the firearms- by both students and instructors.


       4. Instructors must ask the list of required questions, listed below, of each student before they register for classes/testing.

                   -Have you been out of province/country in the last 21 days?

                   -Have you had or do you have any signs of COVID-fever/cough/ shortness of breath?

                   -Have you or anyone in your immediate circle recovered from COVID?


       5. The CFO will be provided a list of students with the course location and contact information prior to any proposed class. This will aid in tracking individuals should it be necessary due

        to illness.

 Thank you

                     CFO_SK_Instructor CFO_SK_Instructor-CAF_SK_Moniteur

Firearms in Canada fall into three different classes:


This class includes any rifle or shotgun that is neither restricted nor prohibited. Most common long guns are non-restricted, but there are exceptions.


What's included in this class

  • Handguns that are not prohibited firearms

  • Firearms that:

    • are not prohibited firearms

    • have a barrel less than 470 mm in length

    • are capable of discharging center-fire ammunition in a semi-automatic manner

  • Firearms designed or adapted to be fired when reduced to a length of less than 660 mm by folding, telescoping, or otherwise

  • Firearms of any other kind prescribed to be restricted firearms in the Regulations

Permitted purposes for ownership

There are a few purposes for which you may be licensed to acquire or possess a restricted firearm:

  • target practice or target shooting competitions

  • as part of a collection

  • in limited circumstances, use in connection with one's lawful profession or occupation, or to protect life

Target shooting practice and competition

To be authorized to have restricted firearms for target shooting purposes, you must provide proof that you practice or compete at an approved shooting club or range.

For more information about approved shooting clubs and ranges, contact the appropriate provincial or territorial Chief Firearms Officer by calling the Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) at 1-800-731-4000.


To be authorized to have restricted firearms as part of a collection, you may be asked to: :

  • know the historical, technical or scientific features of such firearms in your collection

  • consent to occasional inspections of the place where your collection is stored

  • comply with regulations dealing with safe storage, record-keeping, and other matters related to restricted firearms

Employment purposes and protection of life

In limited circumstances, an individual may be authorized to possess or acquire a restricted firearm for employment purposes or for the protection of life.


If you have a firearm registered to you as a "relic" under the former legislation, you may continue to possess it for that purpose. However, you cannot pass that designation on to the next owner. The next owner can acquire the firearm only for one of the purposes above. A relic firearm is one that is of value as a curiosity or rarity, or that is valued as a memento, remembrance, or souvenir. Depending on which purpose is claimed, there are specific criteria that must be met.

If you lend a prohibited firearm, you must lend the registration certificate as well.


What's included in this class

  • Handguns with barrels equal to or less than 105 mm in length

  • Handguns designed or adapted to discharge a 25 or 32 caliber cartridge

    • This does not include handguns for use in international sporting competitions governed by the rules of the International Shooting Union and where the handgun is prescribed to be restricted

  • Firearms adapted from a rifle or shotgun, whether by sawing, cutting, or any other alteration and that, as so adapted are:

    • less than 660 mm in length

    • 660 mm or greater in length and has a barrel less than 457 mm in length

  • Automatic firearms, whether or not altered to discharge only one projectile with one pressure of the trigger

  • Firearms prescribed to be prohibited firearms in the Regulations

Acquiring prohibited firearms

Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) allows you to acquire prohibited firearms only in the same categories as the ones currently registered to you, and only if the firearms you wish to acquire were registered in Canada prior to the specific dates set out in the Firearms Act.

As a general rule, a PAL will indicate what categories of prohibited firearms the license holder is licensed to acquire by showing the section of the Firearms Act that grandfathers them, as follows:

  • s.12(2): full automatics

  • s.12(3): converted automatics

  • s.12(4): firearms prohibited by former prohibition order No. 12

  • s.12(5): firearms prohibited by former prohibition order No. 13

  • s.12(6.1): handguns with a barrel length of 105 mm or less or that discharge .25 or .32 caliber ammunition.

  • s.12(7): inherited handguns made prior to 1946 that fall under the s. 12(6.1) category

Eligibility to acquire a particular prohibited firearm will be confirmed during the transfer process. The grandfathered status allows the possession and acquisition of prohibited firearms that are already registered in Canada, but not the new importation of prohibited firearms into Canada.


Generally, you may have prohibited firearms only if you have been "grandfathered" under section 12 of the Firearms Act. Being grandfathered means that you can keep certain prohibited firearms that were registered to you on specific dates set out in the Act.

You can possess certain prohibited firearms if you had one registered in your name when it became prohibited, and you have continuously held a valid registration certificate for that type of prohibited firearm from December 1, 1998, onward.

It is important to note that both the owner and the firearm must be grandfathered for the same category.

To be able to hold a registration certificate for a firearm, you need a license allowing you to possess that class of firearm. It is essential that firearms licenses are renewed before they expire.

All registration certificates issued under the former law (prior to December 1, 1998) expired on December 31, 2002, so it was important to have re-registered the firearm(s) under the Firearms Act before the old certificate expired.


You do not need to be grandfathered to acquire a prohibited handgun if all of the following apply:

  • the handgun was made before 1946

  • the handgun is currently registered in Canada (under s.12(6.1))

  • you are the child, grandchild, brother, sister, or spouse / common-law partner of the lawful owner

Anyone who acquires a prohibited handgun under these circumstances will have 12(7) printed on their firearms license. This means that you can lawfully possess a pre-1946 handgun passed on by a direct relative, but you are not authorized to acquire other prohibited handguns.

Any prohibited firearms that you acquire must have been registered in Canada on December 1, 1998. This means that even if a license holder has grandfathered status, you cannot bring a prohibited firearm into Canada as a new import and you cannot acquire a prohibited firearm that has never been registered.

Selling, giving, or lending prohibited firearms

You can lend a prohibited firearm to anyone with a valid PAL that authorizes them to possess that particular category of a prohibited firearm.


If you lend a prohibited firearm, you must lend the registration certificate as well.

You can sell or give a prohibited firearm only to someone with a PAL valid for that category of firearm. When the prohibited firearm changes owners, it must be registered to the new owner. See Buying and selling (transferring) firearms.

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